Water and Environmental Engineering

Water Supply & Sanitation

◼ Water supply
◼ Sanitation and Hygiene Education
◼ Assessment and Scoping Study
◼ Technical and Facilitation Services
◼ Water supply and Sanitation facilities
◼ Planning and Design Processes
◼ Capacity Training

Water Resources

◼ Water Resources Management Studies
◼ River basin management and irrigation engineering
◼ Hydrological Investigation
◼ Storm water Facilities
◼ Detention Ponds
◼ Groudwater management for building projects and civil works

ESIA & Solidwaste Management

◼ Environmental & Social impact assessment
◼ Environmental monitoring
◼ Sanitary landfills
◼ Skip pads

Site Remediation

◼ Plan Development
◼ Soils Removal
◼ Groundwater Control
◼ Treatment
◼ Capping
◼ Landfill Design
◼ Storage Piles
◼ Sludge Handling and Disposal
◼ Some selected work done